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2023 Self-Confidence Bootcamp
Week 0: Building a foundation (Awareness)
What really is self-confidence?
The 6A Model of Safety
Roadmap for the next 8 weeks
Week 1: Make time to meet yourself (Awareness)
Recap and focus this week
The neuroscience of change
Awareness is at the core of growth
How our assumptions influence our experience
Who are you, really?
Week 2: Take stock of your landscape (Awareness)
Recap and focus this week
The evolutionary need for safety
The important role of our Inner Critic
A pathway to re-integration
Week 3: Learn to live in what is (Acceptance)
Recap and focus this week
Acceptance is a superpower
Outward acceptance is confidence with "where"
Inward acceptance is confidence with "who"
How to lean into acceptance
Week 4: Re-author the stories you tell yourself (Appreciation)
Recap and focus this week
Negativity bias and loss aversion
Originating cause versus maintaining cause
Meeting your Inner Critic with compassion
Week 5: Give yourself permission to be you (Authenticity)
Recap and focus this week
Authenticity is applied vulnerability
The withhold versus reveal model
Challenging yourself to reveal
Week 6: Ask for what you want (Assertiveness)
Recap and focus this week
Assertiveness as a communication style
Assertiveness as a vehicle for connection
How we get trapped managing others' emotions
Building your own assertiveness ladder
Week 7: Stand firmly on a loving “no” (Assertiveness)
Recap and focus this week
Model of social and adult development
Boundaries and nonviolent communication
Comfort is not your metric
Climbing your assertiveness ladder
Week 8: Building new foundations (Application)
Recap and focus this week
Acceptance and appreciation focus on us
Authenticity and assertiveness focus on others
Blending internal and external work
Creating a personal development plan
Week 9+: Supporting ongoing growth and renewal (Application)
Celebrating the journey and charting the next
Blending internal and external work
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